Juniors test interview skills as part of final exams

Next year’s seniors are ready to start interviewing for summer jobs and co-op jobs after putting their best selves forward in interviews conducted by teachers as part of their final exams.

They were graded on a firm handshake, eye contact , posture, enthusiasm, how thoroughly they answered questions and more. “It was kind of stressful,” said Junior Cameron Roberts of Amesbury. “But it’s a good idea for a school like this where we have to be able to express our skills and knowledge.”

Students signed in with a student receptionist and waited their turns for a spot at four interview stations in the library. “I feel like it will really help me in the future when I go for an interview,” said Junior Edyana Gonzalez of Haverhill. “I was prepared for the basic questions but they added more.”

Students were asked what led them to choose their career or field, their specialty, and to describe a project that displayed their skills. They were also encouraged to ask questions of their interviewers such as: What is the company structure? Why do you like working here?

Senior English Teacher Elaine Bucher said, “I’ve been really impressed with the majority of them. They seem prepared and engaged and they’re treating it like a real interview.”

Whittier Tech